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What you can do

Helping Yourself

There are many different TYPES OF ABUSE; the important thing to remember about relationships is that healthy relationships never involve violence. If you are seeing two or more repetitive signs of abusive behavior, it’s time to seek protection and intervention from the abuser.

Here are some things to keep in mind when you decide you are ready to take the next step:

  1. Make sure you and your children are safe

  2. Know that you are not responsible for the abuse

  3. Understand that abuse and violence will likely continue without intervention

  4. Tell someone you trust about the abuse. Secrecy gives it more power

  5. Empower yourself with knowledge, and information about abuse in relationships

  6. Find out what help is available in your community

  7. Get professional help from someone who understands abuse

  8. Care for yourself - you need energy and strength to change your situation

  9. Spend time with healthy people.


Our crisis line is available 24/7; call or text (780) 532-2672. There’s always someone there and ready to take your call. Your safety matters. And so does your happiness.

In cases where abuse is minimal or rare, it is still essential to create a safety plan in the event of an eventual escalation. You can use this ESCAPE PLAN as a starting point, though we strongly encourage you to call us to create one with you. Even a slight chance of serious violence isn’t worth the risk. We’re glad to arrange a meeting at a safe, neutral location.

Closeup of comforting hands

Helping Someone Else

The first step is to recognize and understand the signs of abuse. An excellent place to start is our page, WHAT IS ABUSE? Sometimes we must see a full accounting of abuse in all its different forms (many subtle) to see it for what it really is.

Your next job is to listen! While you may want to jump in and help, it’s important to note that they may not be ready to leave the relationship. Look at "Why Do They Stay" to understand better why people stay in abusive relationships. We cannot stress the importance of being cautious and sensitive enough. The wrong approach can cause significant harm. That being said, doing nothing can also have devastating outcomes. If you have firm reasons to suspect someone you know is being abused, we strongly encourage you to talk to an appropriate professional. Depending on the severity of the case, that might be a police officer, a local family counselor, or a social worker.  Our Crisis Intervention Support Team is available 24/7 should you need advice on the best course of action.  Call (780) 532-2672 to talk to a Crisis Intervention Worker.  In cases where abuse is known to exist with absolute certainty or where there is probable cause to be concerned for someone’s life, you have a legal obligation to report it to the authorities immediately.

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Office: 780-538-1332

24-Hour Crisis Line (Text or Call): 780-532-2672


Mailing Address: PO Box 1395 Grande Prairie, AB T8V 4Z2

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Registered Charity #: ­­­­­­­­­­­129126462RR0001

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